Our Whole Package supplement is packed with vital nutrients and peptides to provide support for exercise performance, hormone production, and sexual health.
- Grass-fed & finished testicle, liver, and whole blood extract
- Improved nutrient absorption compared to synthetic alternatives
- Strategic support for reproductive health and performance
Benefits of Daily Use
Set yourself up for success by ensuring you never miss a bottle.
Improve reproductive health in men
Improve blood flow
Improve hormone health
Improve exercise strength and performance
Essential Fatty Acids
Necessary for optimal reproductive and sexual health.
A critical mineral for thyroid function (iodothyronine deiodinanses) and immune health/antioxidant defense (glutathione peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase).
Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets
Involved in oxygen transport, the immune response, and wound healing.
Activin and inhibin
Involved in the formation of sex hormones, reproductive cells, as well as the sex glands and organs.
Modulates vascular health, cellular regeneration, and hormone production.
Epidermal growth factor
Promotes healthy sperm function and motility as well as fertility.
Essential for healthy testosterone production, sperm quality, and acts as a powerful antioxidant to combat inflammation.
Vitamins A, D, E, K2
Get these vitamins in a super bioavailable form that play critical roles in overall immune and bone health.
Riboflavin, Folate, B12, and Choline
Essential for red blood cell formation, brain, reproductive, and cardiovascular health.
Copper, Biotin, and CoQ10
Crucial for metabolism, mood, and energy, as well as the health of skin, hair, and nails.
Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide
Also known as LEAP-2. This peptide is involved in immune response and glucose metabolism.
Ergothioneine Peptide
An amino acid found in liver, kidney, and bone marrow found to support detoxification and longevity pathways.
Whole Package Reinforce your manhood
Take six capsules once daily. It’s that easy. If you’re new to taking organ supplements, start with 1-2 capsules daily for the first week before increasing by one capsule daily. Consistent long-term use produces the best results. Ask us if you need help.
Whole Package provides targeted support to your manhood, hormone balance, blood flow, and reproductive health.