"Excuse-itis!" 😮
Excuse-itis is the disease of one of the biggest enemies of success!
I hear these excuses from so many people during my 9 year career as a personal trainer.
They start with long alibis that always contain the two words...
Don't and Can't
This type of person will say things like:
1. "I don't really have the time to train anymore, my work schedule is crazy and I have my kids."
2. "I have a condition and I don't want to push myself too hard and give myself a heart attack."
3. "I can't make it to my session something came up. "
Their alibis get shorter as time passes because they realize after making statements similar to those I respond with the words, "No Excuses!"
I don't buy into their alibis or lies!🤥
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape."
- Proverbs 19:5
They realize they can't get away with making those excuses and get frustrated with being called out so they shorten their alibi or lie with the expectation that I will just accept it.
But I repeat...
If you look at what accomplishments these people have made in their life you'll find...
They lead a life of MEDIOCRITY
"Mediocrity is the worst enemy of prosperity"
- Henry Ford
See I've been reading this book called,
The Magic Of Thinking Big
by Dr. David J. Swartz Ph.D.
He says in the book;
"You'll find that the more a successful person is the less that person makes excuses for anything."
One thing that is instilled in my speech. The responses that I make instinctively in my head and out loud when being tempted to explain a failure or to make an alibi or lie I correct myself immediately and respond with...
It's pointless to try and make one up!
I learned this from being raised in a military family, attending Junior ROTC in high school and from my own experience in the U.S. Army.
See the military encourages a person to own their failure in completing a task and to find a way to complete it.
That's my message for today folks!
I hope that you enjoyed these words of inspiration and beware of this disease called Excuse - itis.
I'm heading back into my gym to get a workout in because I have NO EXCUSE.
If you are interested in learning more about my programs click the link below to learn more about my 28 Day Flat Belly Formula Program.